Campaign GoalThe United Way of Northeast Missouri announced at their 2022 Campaign Kickoff last Tuesday night that $55,000 of their $180,000 goal had been reached.

Luke Callaghan, past President and Chade Shorten 2022 Campaign Drive Chair emceed the evening which included naming the 2021 Virtual Talent Show winner.  Laci Mihalevich and Emily Howard sang a duet which won them the 1st Place Trophy.  Gift Certificates from Walmart, SIP, Wooden Nickel, Downtown Cinema, and the Dukum were awarded the contestants.

The evening events, which were held at the White Oaks Wedding Barn and Venue, included the premiere of the 2022 United Way Campaign film which was produced by Ryan Halstead of Halstead Photography and voiced by former KIRX announcer Helen Adams.  Chade Shorten and her co drive chair, Stephanie McGrew will be airing the video as they speak to local community groups through October.

People interested in joining in the campaign or wishing to donate can visit the United Way’s website at Liveunitednemo.org.  Also, you can email the United Way at uwnemo@gmail.

The funds raised through the campaign stay locally and support the following agencies: Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Hospice of Northeast Missouri, KIRK-TRAN, Macon Diversified Industries, RSVP/Senior Adult Services. NEMO Senior Citizens Services, Community Opportunities/Sheltered Workshop, and the Adair County YMCA.